Ethinvest Client Huw Kingston Launches Film about his Australian Alpine Odyssey
Ethinvest client, Huw Kingston, has hiked, biked kayaked and skied some of the world’s most exotic locations over 40 years, including circumnavigated the Mediterranean. In 2022, he felt the call to return to Australia’s beautiful Alpine country to retrace the steps of a trip he took 27 years ago, traversing the region over 50 days and filming as he went. Huw’s new film, Alpine Odyssey, a celebration over Australia’s mountains and the communities who live there, is screening across the country from June to September.
The film, by Ivan Hexter, tells the story of Huw’s winter 2022 journey along the 700km length of the Australian Alps, skiing at each of the dozen mainland Australian snow resorts en route.
Screenings of Alpine Odyssey will raise funds for two organisations that Huw is an ambassador for Save the Children and Protect Our Winters (POW), a community of outdoor enthusiasts, athletes and brands united to advocate for climate change policy solutions. In addition to the film, other entertainment will be provided at the events and POW team members will present some of the important work they are doing here in Australia.
Alpine Odyssey is screening from June to September in Canberra, Melbourne, Hobart, Sydney and a range of smaller Australian towns and the alpine regions. Catch a screening if you can!