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Ethinvest’s Managed Portfolio Service hits $100 million

Ethinvest’s Managed Portfolio Service (MPS) has just hit $100 million, propelling total Funds Under Management to $1.3b for the first time!

The Ethinvest team is proud to announce that strong investment returns and continued inflows from new clients have propelled our MPS past $100m for the first time in our 35-year history of investing ethically and impactfully for our clients. This growth has been driven by strong investment performance and continued client inflows. Launched in late 2016 on the HUB24 platform, the Ethinvest MPS portfolios offer access to a carefully curated mix of ethically screened investments across all major asset classes.

As our clients know, potential investments are rigorously screened by Australian Impact Investments, with the Ethinvest Investment Committee selecting the optimal mix to align with the goals and circumstances of investors. The three portfolios — Conservative, Balanced and Growth — cater to diverse investment objectives while maintaining a strict commitment to ethical practices. They are available across investment, super or pension style accounts.

Fiona Thomas, General Manager of Ethinvest, explained, "Our Managed Portfolio Service provides a streamlined, cost-effective way for investors to tap into our top investment ideas and the best ethical funds available in the market."

Vaughan Hain, Portfolio Manager, attributes Ethinvest’s success to the knowledge accumulated over several decades and through tens of thousands of meetings with ethical investors. “We are proud to have built a portfolio that meets the diverse needs of well-informed ethical investors. What truly sets Ethinvest apart is our commitment not only to educating but also to learning from our investors about what matters most to them. Leveraging this knowledge, with our transparent reporting of both financial and ethical considerations, has enabled us to offer a more streamlined solution for clients."

The portfolios include a wide range of investments that provide benefits to society, and the environment, including recycling and the circular economy, renewable energy and de-carbonisation, sustainable agriculture, education and healthcare.

Ethinvest’s Managing Director, Trevor Thomas, noted the strong performance of each portfolio, even amid volatile market conditions: “The returns have been very pleasing against their respective benchmarks.”

Historic Returns as of September 30, 2024

“We never guarantee outperformance," added Fiona Thomas, "But nor should clients expect ethically screened portfolios to lag traditional funds."

Ethinvest is exploring opportunities to expand access to its Managed Portfolios through other platforms beyond HUB24 and to offer them to advisory groups seeking a trusted source for ethical investment solutions.

Founded in 1989, Ethinvest is Australia's first specialist ethical advisory firm. With a team of 35 professionals, the firm manages $1.3 billion in assets for a wide array of clients, including leading charities, not-for-profits, and foundations. In 2014, Ethinvest launched Australian Impact Investments (Aii) to offer independent ethical screening and cutting-edge research in Impact Investing.

Please contact Fiona Thomas at to discuss our MPS options, or submit an enquiry online here.


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