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Podcast: Retirement heavyweight Jeremy Cooper says radical superfund reform is needed to match the urgency of climate change

Retirement investment expert Jeremy Cooper says, “The biggest challenge in our lifetime is the global market failure we call climate change.” On the Greener Way sustainability podcast, he has a radical idea to shake up Australia’s superannuation system to drive faster progress on climate change.

With a wide-ranging career spanning over four decades, Jeremy Cooper is a regular commentator on superannuation and retirement income. He was chair of retirement income at Challenger, led the "Cooper Review" into Australia’s super system, and earlier served as deputy chair of the corporate watchdog ASIC.

Superannuation, with its long-term investment view, necessarily requires a transition to a sustainable economy to safeguard retirements – especially for the many members set to live to the end of the century.

According to Jeremy, his plan is achievable and much needed to ensure the vast amount of Australian superfunds money.

Have a listen to Cooper’s ideas in his podcast interview with Greener Way journalist Rose Mary Petrass, click here.




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